Simple Tips On Composing An Outline For A Five-Paragraph Essay

An outline for a five-paragraph essay can help you finish the assignment with ease. The outline helps you plan for writing your essay rough draft. You can determine the best way to write your paper based on discussion points you come up with. The following tips can help you easily develop a basic outline for your topic.

  • Compose a basic outline starting with 5 points; one point for each paragraph. The points for each paragraph will help you develop content to set the foundation for your essay. Each paragraph has a different purpose. The point mentioned may not be the exact wording you will have in your final paper, but it gives a basic idea of what you want to discuss.

  • Your entire outline will actually be broken up into three parts. The essay itself is made with an introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction and conclusion each have one paragraph. The body is made up of three paragraphs. You can develop your points based on your topic information. The intro may have your main idea or thesis statement as your discussion point. The next three paragraphs can each have one supporting point related to your main idea. The last paragraph can have a point related to summarizing your information and what others should know.

  • Each point in your outline should relate to your main idea or discussion point to highlight in the paragraph itself. When you have completed research or taking notes on your topic, the discussion point you wrote for each paragraph can help you start writing the content for that section.

  • Get an idea of what each section should describe as it relates to your main idea before you start developing your outline. You should have an idea based on what you know about the topic and how your essay should present your concept. This aspect helps develop points to mention throughout your paper. If you don’t know enough information about your topic it may not be as easy to develop points for your essay outline.

  • You can make changes to your discussion points as necessary upon writing your rough draft and learning more about your topic. When enough details have been collected for your topic you can start your rough draft. Here is when you may consider making changes to clarify points mentioned as they relate to the main purpose of your essay.


“   Every writer, no matter how good he is with his first attempt should proofread his paper.  ”

–  Donna Brians


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