Creating An Outline For An Argumentative Essay With Ease

Outlining an argumentative essay is definitely a very challenging task for most students. Indeed, this is one of the most commonly provided writing tasks in higher education. This form of writing must be structured having five paragraphs which comprise of the thesis statement, the middle or body of the paper (which consist of three paragraphs) and the final one is the conclusion which is known as the paragraph that finalizes the argument.

Take into consideration that during the writing process, it is fundamental to consider conceptualizing ideas for the writing piece and of course to come up with an exhaustive structure. In so doing, this shall aid the writer achieve his or her goal in composing the paper that affirms a solid argument since the writer can utilize this as a useful guide when composing his or her initial draft. More than that, this is regarded as a more excellent method as opposed to only composing aimlessly which shall commonly encourage more issues and challenges and shall take huge amount of time in the course of time than necessary.

Here’s how your argumentative essay outline should be created with ease:

  • The Introductory Paragraph/li>

    This part is the one that sets the context for the stance the writer is arguing for. Please be guided that the introduction must finish with a thesis statement which clearly provides the writer’s claim as well as the reasons for his or her stance regarding the issue.

  • The Body of the Argument/li>

    This part consists of the background information which provides the readers the fundamental data they need to know to fully understand the writer’s stance. In the same way, the reasons and the evidence to back up the writer’s claim must be clearly stated here.

  • Addressing the opposite stance./li>

    It is imperative to prepare for and address stances in opposition to the one that is being argued. The writer must critically think about his or her topic to prove that his or her argument is right. Typically, this takes the form of a paragraph which can be put either after the introduction or prior the conclusion part.

  • The Conclusion
  • This part must bring the paper to a logical and sensible end. The conclusion must be able to expound what the significance of the writer’s issue is in a bigger context. This is the part where the writer must reiterate why the subject matter is valuable.

In this part, the writer may also consider a few arguments that propose solutions or make some predictions regarding the future of the subject matter.


“   Every writer, no matter how good he is with his first attempt should proofread his paper.  ”

–  Donna Brians


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