8 Suggestions For Writing An Essay On English As A Global Language

When undertaking to write a paper on the topic of English being a global language, there are several things for you to consider. For example, what is the definition of global language? Historically speaking, the definition would be that it is spoken by those who are in power. Or is it defined by the language used for most of the world’s trades and financial agreements? Or is it determined by the number of countries using it as their mother tongue?

Once you have settled on the definition and understand the direction you want to take in your paper, there are 8 suggestions for you to produce a successful English essay:

  1. Narrow down your topic sufficiently so you can cover it effectively within the scope of your paper. For example, you may wish to narrow down your topic using one of the following trains of thought:
    • Why is a global language needed and how is English chosen as one of them?
    • Is having a global language a good thing? Why or why not?
    • Is English considered a global language? What evidence is this statement based on? What advantages or disadvantages does it produce?
    • Will English continue to be seen as one of the world’s global languages? In which area is this the most apparent: finances, politics, marketing, education etc.
  2. Be familiar with the characteristics of a good essay. They include the following:
    • Stay focused. Your paper should be clear and concise. Don’t deviate away from your topic.
    • Stay organized by using an outline and following it.
    • Every statement should be followed by supporting facts and evidence.
    • It should be a hallmark of good grammar, punctuation and spelling.
  3. Write something every day to keep your writing skills in good shape and to become comfortable with the writing process.
  4. Identify the main points of your essay and make sure they are incorporated into the outline. Each main point is its own paragraph, with smaller, supporting points to back it up.
  5. Double-check the requirements of the paper so you don’t miss anything. This includes style guides, margin sizes, word count, and so forth.
  6. Do your writing by following your outline. This will save time and ensure you haven’t forgotten any essential information.
  7. Create the introduction and conclusion after you’ve written the body of the paper.
  8. Make sure you spend sufficient time editing and proofreading before you hand it in.


“   Every writer, no matter how good he is with his first attempt should proofread his paper.  ”

–  Donna Brians


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